Toss that state of overwhelm,

We believe that simple, straightforward planning can reinvent anyone to be more productive — including kids! As a family of eight (with a set of twins!) we know that our house can only function when everyone is doing their part. On top of that, bring in the multiple businesses that we run, sports, school, faith life, activities, trips — and our house is a happening place that can grow chaotic easier than putting your favorite song on repeat.

To avoid all the stress, piles of dishes and laundry, forgotten items, and complete burnout — we developed a host of blog posts and products to help you live a sustainable structured week, meet your goals, and spend time caring for yourself — all while #raisingcapable kids!

exchange the exhaustion, and start living stress-free.

which is it?


"I started following the steps & I totally LOVE it! I can't believe how much more productive I feel!"

"I started following the steps & I totally LOVE it! I can't believe how much more productive I feel!"

-Sarah H. 

-Sarah H. 

Your New Week, Your Way 

Are you ready for a fresh start? Instead of seeing Monday as the beginning of five long days ahead, what if you could see the possibilities, the order, and — dare we say it — the fun?! 

When ALL THE THINGS pile up, there’s no wonder so many of us struggle instead of thrive in our daily lives. But we want to let you in on a little secret — by simply moving to a Block Schedule™ as an adult and having your kids step up, you can get more done in a day WITHOUT burnout and make your home insanely stress-free! You will also magically free up HOURS of time for you to fill with things that fulfill you most, and you never feel like you have time for!

Let's get productive!

Check out the best of our free resources to help level up your weekly planning systems and household structures!

✓See your family come together in a less stressful environment 
✓Be ready to conquer the day with block scheduling
✓Help kids understand their role in the home
✓ Encourage your creativity with your kids
✓Find time to reconnect with your friends and family

The Block Schedule™ System!

Finding Work-Life Balance

Plan A Year In Advance

The 10/30 Rule to Keep
Your House Clean

A Successful Summer With kids

A Deep Cleaning Schedule

Let's Pull up a chair and hash it out together.

This pace-yourself program introduces productivity principles, the likes of which you've never seen before! We will help you identify and tackle your productivity pain points, become more organized (but not in the way you might expect), create harmonious systems that actually work for your family, and help you find more time for the things that fulfill you most. Enjoy —

✓28 high-energy, informative & engaging videos
✓30-page digital Productivity Planner workbook
✓Access to our exclusive private Facebook group
✓Bonus videos with special guest interviews & tips

The Productivity Boot Camp

If you're tired of fighting with your children about chores, screentime, or homework, you need this. It will help you work together to set goals, get organized, and enjoy more quality time as a family! You'll feel more confident as a parent, and your children will feel more capable of taking the lead on SO many new things. They will:

✓Set up weekly blocks to organize their day and fit in time for all the most important things!
✓Use a daily checklist to stay motivated and keep track of chores, schoolwork, goals, and more.
✓Fill in a dream board and decide on short-term and long-term goals.
✓Track water intake, reading habits, savings goals, income, spending, and SO much more.


Say hello to the ultimate productivity guide, now available in a leather cover and built-in tabs! The Block Schedule™ Planner by Jordan Page is your step-by-step guide to getting more done while enjoying more free time. 
This is not your typical planner! It's not just about your schedule—it's about getting things done.

✓Learn to prioritize family time and self-care while still meeting your obligations by working smarter, not harder. By breaking down larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks, you can stay focused and motivated, ultimately increasing your productivity!
✓Learn practical AND effective solutions for creating routines and systems that work for you and your family. By allocating specific time slots for various activities, you can create a structured routine and avoid wasting valuable hours!
✓Includes a step-by-step guide to the viral “Block Schedule™” system.
✓Walks you through every week, making sure you complete tasks while still finding room for guilt-free “me time.” Our systematic approach ensures that your most important information is easily accessible, helping you reduce that mental clutter and create space for efficient decision-making.

The Productivity Planner


"I didn't think the block system was for me as a stay at home mom. I started using it this past week and it's amazing the brain space it has freed up for me because my chores are assigned to a certain block and I know they'll get done during that block. It has also allowed me to block out time to do things that I enjoy."

- Clairebarker95

What customers are saying...


"This daily block planner has completely changed my life (I know… dramatic, but I’m serious!). I was feeling so lost and unproductive with two kiddos and running my business. I was constantly stressed and overwhelmed. UNTIL… this amazing, beautiful planner entered my life! I now have a structure for my days (even though my days are all a little different), I pick 2-4 priorities for each block, I have a clear and consistent morning and night checklist, and best of all, I feel like I’m actually productive and on top of everything. If you’re feeling lost, please buy this planner - you won’t regret it!"

- Ashlie Hall


"Great format for busy people! There is a bit of a learning curve if you aren't familiar with Jordan's system but... once you get it you will never want to go back! Having a spot to write down every detail floating around in your brain brings peace and order. Thank you for a great planner! "

- Emilee C.

Pssst. Wanna Know a Secret?
I created a cheat sheet of 5 easy ways to improve your budgeting, productivity, and 
meal planning THIS WEEK, and I want to give it to you — FREE!
Thank you for subscribing!


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